DAMON REDDING - Why some black pastors don't want him to be heard... period. (Cont'd)
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One day, Damon was compelled to pull over at a gas station to create a short video. In his (now famous) gas station video, Damon commented about the "Truth about Tithing"
sermon given by Dr. Creflo Dollar that was all over social media. In this sermon, Dr. Dollar admitted to teaching a false doctrine.
Damon shared his opinion that Dollar should own up to his part in the errant tithing messages and not place blame on others for his mistake. The bigger man owns up and fesses up!
Damon had no idea there would be such a backlash. It wasn't his intent to berate Dr. Dollar, only to share his opinion about the sermon.
The number of views generated from Damon's message exceeded over 100,000. Damon was astonished!
Redding, a former armor bearer of Pastor Dollar's, then received calls from members of Dr. Dollar's church scolding him for sharing his opinion. He was even called the anti-Christ by one person!
However, Damon (an ordained pastor) has received much more encouragement, fueling him to continue to speak out against abuse in the only church he knows -- the black church.

Many pastors with black congregations have asked Damon to be silent. However, many others, including Pastor Donnie McClurkin, have provided him with Godly
encouragement. That is the true Christian spirit.
For the thousands who have been seriously hurt by a negative experience in church, Damon is a breath of fresh air. They can now have their voices heard through this courageous servant of God.
"This is a moment in time," says Redding, "when God wants to make positive changes in the church. God cares about His people and also about His leaders. My message is not to hurt, but to heal. I believe we're on the cusp of church reform and hope my efforts serve as a catalyst for restoration."
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