Dreams about the Deceased
Copyrighted Excerpt from "Pray to Win: Prayers for Successful Spiritual Warfare" by Tracey L. Smith
Beware, saints! The enemy can exploit your vulnerability while you sleep by appearing as one of your deceased loved ones, a friend, or an acquaintance. A dream in which a deceased person appears is a very strong indicator that a demon is trying to enter your life.
The being in your dream was not your relative, friend, or acquaintance. It was a demon pretending to be the deceased person to make you lower your guard and welcome it. Most often, the spirit will not speak in the dream, but as soon as you welcome it—it gains legal entry to your life, destiny, health, money, family, and circumstances without any resistance. However, you can kick it out! (See the “Prayer after Dreams about the Deceased.”)
What’s Really Going on with This Dream?
While our relatives or others have passed on, the demons who lurked around in their lives did not die. Those demonic spirits are still out to steal, kill, and destroy, and they need warm (alive) bodies. We, who are alive, are the new targets for destruction, but we don’t have to be. We can stop them.
A relative of mine passed away, and weeks later, a living relative had a dream where the deceased person appeared but did not speak. That unholy visitation was an alert that a demon, familiar with and connected to the family, was looking for a new host.
So, I encouraged the living relative to renounce, bind, and cast out the impersonating spirit that appeared in the dream (since they had been happy to see it, thinking it was their deceased relative). Also, I instructed them to break any unholy covenants made with it. Refer to the “Prayer after Dreams about the Deceased.” (See below)
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Prayer after Dreams about the Deceased
Copyrighted Excerpt from "Pray to Win: Prayers for Successful Spiritual Warfare" by Tracey L. Smith
(Pray this after having a dream that includes deceased relatives, friends, or acquaintances.)
Dear Lord,
Be exalted above the heavens, and Your glory above all the earth; That Your beloved may be delivered, save with Your right hand and hear me. Psalm 108:5-6 NKJV
Lord, I repent for my sins and ask for Your mercy and forgiveness.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind and send to the abyss every familiar, ancestral, and demonic spirit appearing in any of my dreams.
I cancel and revoke all legal access I may have given to demonic spirits in my dreams. I do not accept those spirits. I break and cancel all unholy covenants and agreements I may have entered into knowingly or unknowingly—awake or in my dreams. (Repeat 2x)
I renounce my acceptance and involvement, in any way and in any form, with the occult—that includes witchcraft, sorcery, divination, tarot cards, secret societies, false religions, demonic games, and idol worship. I close all open doors and portals to the enemy.
I repent for any sins or hostilities toward God by me or my ancestors that may have provided legal entry to my bloodline. I pray for God’s mercy and salvation. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
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Psalm 108:5-6, Leviticus 26:40
Note: In addition to the above prayer, you may also want to pray the “Prayer to Break Generational Curses.”